National Dental Association Celebrates 100 Years!

 "...the NDA has been a national forum for minority dentists and a leader in advancing their rights within the dental profession, the armed services, the government, and the private sector. Through scholarships and support programs, the NDA promotes dentistry as a viable profession. NDA goals and commitments are shared by its auxiliary organizations, namely the Auxiliary to the NDA, the National Dental Assistants Association, the National Dental Hygienists’ Association and the Student National Dental Organization. Together, these groups compose a membership of more than 7,000 strong, representing all 50 states and several countries abroad." --National Dental Association
In a recent search to find organizations and resources specific to minority dental health professionals, I discovered a well established non-profit located in the heart of our nation's capitol. I found the National Dental Association (NDA). And that's not all... there will be much pomp and circumstance surrounding their annual, networking event this year; as the organization is celebrating a full century of service to the community! See brochure.

It all sounds like a grand opportunity to network, learn, and have fun! Wishing I could attend this year's festivities but of course as a student, I'm still new to all this. However, as I grow professionally I look forward to attending future events. In the meantime, congrats and many thanks to the National Dental Association and all of its supporters. Not only as a minority, but as a newcomer within this industry, it's comforting to know there's organizations such as this that we can go to for information and resources specific to our community, culture, and individual needs.



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