
This Mother's Day, I made it official. I walked proudly across the graduation stage and accepted my Certificate in Dental Assisting. For some this may be a drop in the bucket... but I know drops make oceans, oceans make waves. For the past two years I've done nothing but eat, sleep, and breathe dentistry. Aside from writing, this experience is unlike anything I'd ever strived for in the past. Therefore, my interest has gained instead of waned. In so far it has turned into passion, and that passion has turned into an undeniable purpose. Since embarking upon a career in the dental industry, I've met many talented, unique, and dedicated individuals -- from my instructors and classmates, to fellow dental professionals and volunteers -- who've done nothing but mentor, support, and encourage my dreams in one way or another.  I've witnessed and heard amazing stories of triumph, while meeting patients who've inspired me all the same. 

To God be the glory.


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