New Year, New Career!

HAPPY NEW YEAR AND WELCOME!!! After a tumultuous year filled with uber highs and lows that left us all reeling...I think it's safe to we're happy to count our blessings and get on with the business of life...fiscal cliff or not.

The holidays provided much needed R&R but I'm simply ready to hit the books! In about a week I'll return to campus and quite literally "fake it 'til I make it" during my internship this spring. I can't wait to begin working with live patients and gain hands-on experience. As part of a CODA accredited dental assisting program (beware of bogus programs), my first semester began with introductory/lecture courses where we focused on the history and philosophy behind the dental industry and related professions, oral and facial anatomy, practical infection control, dental terminology, and diseases or the mouth. Flash cards are my best friend! There's so much detailed information to acquire, at times I thought "what have I gotten myself into" LOL...but thanks to a knowledgeable and dedicated group of adjunct professors, many students such as myself, are retaining it. 

During this upcoming semester my classmates and I will be involved in more practical, hands-on courses. This is what I've been waiting for! The fun part (sort of speak). I learn best when putting what I've seen and heard into practice; one such course is Chairside Dental Assisting I. As part of the curriculum, we learn to differentiate, understand the practical use, and how to properly handle the different instruments used during various dental procedures/exams. Modern Dental Assisting is the leading textbook(s) used to teach CODA accredited dental assisting programs. Their dental instruments book (Dental Instruments By Boyd, Linda Bartolomucci). Who knew dentists used so many instruments that all look alike! Lol. In other words, it's about to get real. I'm a bit nervous, but also feel prepared and more excited than ever.
